Landing Page – Short Conceptual Explanation

A landing page is a web page that appears after a visitor clicks on a website. It can be accessed through a Google Ad or through an organic search result. This page often appears to be located above the destination page, like a home page, and requires the visitor to take action the moment they visit the site. It features a lead-capture form where visitors can provide their name, email address, and other personal information. It can be an effective way for companies to generate leads for their business.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page can look similar to a popup on a website, but it is actually its own web page. It appears after clicking on a search result, which includes both organic search results and paid ads. They often appear before a home page can be accessed, but they can also be found on other interior pages.
Landing pages often contain company information, but they always include fields where website visitors can provide their personal information. This is called a lead-capture form.


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Landing Page

What is the Purpose of a Landing Page?

A landing page can have many different goals. They focus on capturing a specific stream of traffic. For example, the page may promote joining a newsletter to learn more about an eBook.
Information is collected from the people entering their personal information directly into the lead-capture form. It provides a business or organization with an organic way to generate warm leads that have the potential to be converted into customers.

How to Create an Effective Landing Page

An effective page targets visitors by anticipating their needs. That means understanding why a user is visiting a particular website, and appealing to that need by providing products or services that relate to that need in exchange for their information.
Landing pages should be customized for every website, but many companies get the greatest benefit from these kinds of web pages when they are personalized for different areas of the website. For example, a gym may create separate landing pages that appeal to people who want to lose weight, people who want to build muscle mass, and even certain demographics, like moms who want to get their pre-baby bodies back.
The appearance of the landing page is important too. Complex pages that take a long time to read through will be ignored. A simple design encourages more engagement because reading and filling out the form only takes a second or two.

Encouraging Visitors to Fill Out the Lead-Capture Form

People will not want to provide their personal information if they do not think they will get something of value in return. It is important to offer something that will appeal to website visitors. That can include things like:

  • Email newsletters
  • eBooks
  • Online classes
  • Coupons and discounts
  • Free trials
  • Free app downloads
  • Community membership
  • Event registration

It is important to offer value to users who provide this information, but it also must be balanced with the marketing goals of the business. For example, email newsletters and eBooks should contain useful information, but they should also encourage those reading the materials to become customers. That might mean promoting a new product in the latest email newsletter, or offering one free class while offering subsequent classes at a discount.

Landing Page

Pros and Cons of Landing Pages

A landing page is a great way to get users to do something immediately when visiting a website. Well-designed, targeted landing pages can be effective at creating a list of leads that can then be marketed to in the future.
Landing pages also come with some cons. They can be very irritating to visitors, especially if they are faced with a landing page every time they visit a new website. For those visiting a website with a slow internet connection, or those that simply don’t have the patience, it may be enough for them to leave the website altogether.
To make a landing page as unobtrusive as possible, make sure it’s mobile-friendly. A fast loading time is also essential. Not only will visitors leave the site with just a one- or two-second delay, long loading times don’t rank well on Google, which can result in fewer visitors on the website.